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Leak into Passenger Footwell


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I have a leak into the passenger footwell of my '98 Honda Civic. I am certain it is rain water.

I have lifted the carpet on that side and found a black rubber mat with a fabric type base. This rubber mat runs up towards the engine.


I can tell the water is running down the extreme left hand side under this rubber mat (UK car) and seems to follow the clear plastic pipe that brings washer fluid to the rear window. Again, its not a leak from this pipe as the water only appears when its been raining for a while.


When I open the bonnet, the washer fluid pipe appears to go in under the battery.


Is it usual for water to enter the engine compartment at all? The bonnet seal is only attached at certain points along the edge and stops about 2 inches from both driver and passenger side edge. When I pour water over the windscreen most of the water runs into the plastic well at the bottom of the windscreen, runs out the holes where the wiper elbows are and then comes out behind the front tyres - this is the normal route. However, some water also runs into the engine compartment on the passenger side and down behind the fuse box - some also runs in behind the battery.


I tried using silicon to seal the windscreen where it meets the plastic tray at the bottom and I really can't see anywhere that water could be leaking in past the windscreen. I could get the windscreen replaced if I was certain that this is what it was.


I plan to remove the battery and seal the entry point where the washer fluid pipe runs into the passenger footwell but am not sure if this is really the source of the problem or if its a bonnet seal or window seal problem.


Finally, about two to three months ago my electrics at the engine manifold shorted out and although the mechanic told me it wasn't water related it seems too much of a coincedence and I would like to prevent that happening again.


I have left the car into a workshop for repair - they told me they cleared out some gulleys and sealed bulkheads but the problem is still there.


Any helpful advice would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance.


i think you might have found the prolem , just needs better fixing.


I plan to remove the battery and seal the entry point where the washer fluid pipe runs into the passenger footwell but am not sure if this is really the source of the problem or if its a bonnet seal or window seal problem.


only so many places it can come from given the location.


Actually all seems dry in behind the battery and the pipe runs back up and into the car quite close to the battery (doesn't go underneath it like I thought).


Can anyone confirm that with the bonnet closed, they have rain water running behind the fusebox (near the bonnet hinge)? I've narrowed it down to something under that fusebox or the edge of the plastic water tray near the bonnet hinge. (Failing that its a windscreen replacement I think).


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