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RPMs fluctuate when idling

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Hey everyone,


Today I just bought a 1994 Honda Accord fo $900. The thing is in excellent condition, with 137,952 miles on it. Brakes, engine, steering, etc work fine.


At a stop light, however, I put the car in park so I could reach in the backseat to grab something. I noticed that the RPMs starting jumping up and down from 900 to 2,200 RPMs. As soon as I put the car in drive, it stopped. I put it in neutral, it started. I put it in drive, it stopped.


I spoke to a "mechanic" at Wal*Mart when I was there grabbing floormats, and he said it sounded like the Mass Air Flow Sensor was out of wack. Does this sound accurate, and how much am I looking at to get it repaired?


Thank you,

Jordan Meeter


doesnt have a mass air flow sensor , lol. could be your iacv , or try topping up your coolant perhaps its low.


Mine does something similar when I'm cruising at about 70-80. but it only bounces about 200-300 rpm. At first I thought it was because my car was trying to pull but even on downhills it does it.

idle air control valve....on the back of the intake manifold

think that could be my problem too?


ha i've never heard of fluctuating rpm's during highway driving.....couldn't help ya


sounds like surging , it could be iacv. could be a couple things.


My crx does the same thing even after i replaced the iacv and did a radiator flush. Its really annoying.


how's your distributor?


back in the day when mine was AT the rotor kept getting water on it and corroding, which then caused the rpm's to fluctuate all the time, then it would die about 2 weeks later.

how's your distributor?


If you are asking me mine is fine only replaced the cap and rotor when tuning up.


If it is the IAC valve then yes you have to relpace it. I wouldn't take a chance on trying to clean it. I saw one guy clean one at work w/ throttle body leaned and it ended up ruining the IAC valve and the MAP sensnsor.


yes, buy the IACV before the O2, so you can replace it and see if it fixes your problem,


if not, buy an o2.


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