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Closed deck vs open deck


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Open deck will be better for straight up high horsepower dragging..


Closed is the opposite, methinks.


are you talking about opening your hood a little for more airflow?


or are you talking about deck height?


please explain....


I think he's referring to the deck height. I think building a honda motor you have the option of either closed deck or open deck, obviously. Guess he's trying to troll to figure out which is better. Which, is something I don't know, and wouldn't suggest he hold me to.


deck height is how close the piston top comes to the top of the cylinder.....


he is talking about this,.....


closed deck.



open deck



1st of all i want to thank you for trying to show me stuff...i

wanted to know about how h22a has closed deck and h22a4 has an open one...


Pros and cons...


i just want to know what is a closed and open...i looked at the engine block and didn't see crap...they look the same...

yes the open space around the um piston


That's the cylinder sleeve.


An open deck is cheaper to make, yet not as strong as a closed deck. Closed deck can handle more, such as boost...


Cool I'm still allowed to flame cuz hes a retard. Inmate... You Are A Bitch!!! STFU and GTFO!!!

You frackin dumbass. I wish Drew would ban you.


An open deck is cheaper to make, yet not as strong as a closed deck. Closed deck can handle more, such as boost...


You have your answer, now GTFO!



ye say hi to drew for me

That's the cylinder sleeve.



sometimes people say putting sleeves on their engine..what does that mean?


the hell is blockguard


these are the sleeves




they put better ones in, so the stockers don't crack under extreme heat and pressure.


This is a block gaurd



Kind of goes around the top of the cylinder sleeves, and acts like a closed deck.


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