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waht you doign tonight?


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Freezin' my arse off, tryin' to save a dime on the electric bill. It's freakin' crazy nutz cold here.


Listening to soft music with candles lit while I touch myself.


Batman??? Is that you???


I heard that the southern areas have got one hell of a clod front on top of them. But its not as bad as here, the high where I am was -13 today.


Old Testament Class: 4:30-7 pm

Visit my lady's dorm: 7:10-7:45 pm

Go to friends house to play NHL '07 on xbox: 8:00-10:15 pm

Talk to Chubs on way home via text message: priceless




Taking notes for astronomy, then passing the f*ck out. Tired as hell today. The fact that it's -3 out right now isn't helping.


just got home form the party mc donalds isnt 24 horus any mroe makes xer0 a sad boi


nothing either , tired , lol. went to work at 7 in the morning monday. got home form work at 6 pm. started taking the tranny out of a 97 1.6 el acura at 7 pm. was done putting new tranny(D16Z6 tranny instead of Y8) in at 10:30(i will have pics of this shortly). than i smoked a bunch of dope and sat around till about 2 am , lol. now here i am up at 7 again , cause i have the day off have to stay home with my 10 month old today and watch him while my honey works today , lol. im so tired , lol. have to put a GSR tranny in a 92 teg wednesday as well , not looking forward to it , but i think its just my energy level at the moment talking , lol.


Playing Vanguard. Constantly. I know this was started yesterday, but that's what I did last night and am going to do again tonight. Yay


I'm finishing packing all my sh!t so I can drive to KY before I move to Indiana on Sunday.


And yes this is batman.


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