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drive shafts


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Im having like a strange knock/vibration through out the whole car.


had it up on the ramp and found that there is excessive play in the cv joints (inner) mainly on the n/s uk also there is like a stabilazer bearing and the inner of that has movement, in and out when the wheel is being spun.


should there be any play? and should that bearing be totallly fixed or should it have this in and out movement??


98 dc2 itR


Many thanks Ste

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the inner axle , where goes into tranny is normal to have in and out , that play is necessary for bumps and so on. the outer should have none. im not sure what your talking about stabilizer bearing.

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yeah i know that its normal for the in and out movement where it goes into the box,,


there is alround play in the cv joint its self and the "stabilizer bearing" as i called it is on the bigger of the 2 drive shafts where the straight shaft from the box meets the inner cv its right below the oil filter if that helps- there is movment in that like the inner moves away from the fixed bracket that the shaft runs through.

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im not sure dude , lol , your terminology is fukin it up for me haha. are your talking about the halfshaft that bolts to the underside of the car that the axle from the drivers wheel plugs into? if you can reach up from underneath , and wiggle the halfshaft front to back , it might need a new bearing , if they can be replaced. wouoldnt suprise me if you need to buy a new halfshaft. 3 bolts hold it on. would definitely cause a vibration , if there was play in halfshaft. i ahte to say somin so simple dude , but make sure your axles are all the way in tranny , lol. dont get mad just trying to think of everything dude. i know your not dumb.

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