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USA Made Cars Are Best

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Hi, im new here and i cant wait to discuss how American made cars are so much better than that gay Jap crap.


did u happen to look at the title of these forums b4 u created an account here..."HONDAFORUMS" should give it away that 99% of the cars talked about on here are japanese. leave now. im sick of people thinkin they know eveything. take ur stupid crap some where else. leave now

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ok, lets talk about this for a second. lets say american cars are best, what proof do you have to back up this statement? now, ive owned several american, german, and japanese vehicles. and in my experience, american cars havent lasted even close to as long as the other cars i owned. my ford escort threw a rod at 150k, my chevy blazer lasted until 180k, my ford explorer blew a head gasket. now, about the foreign cars ive owned, my mercedes was running strong at 360k and the only reason why it stopped working was because my drunk brother decided to take it mudding, my integra had 150k on it and it ran like new, my civic is the best car Ive ever owned, its too bad i have to part it out. so, tell me, why are american vehicles best?

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Interesting...USA made cars are the best? Well, I guess so since my dad's Accord and brother's Civic built in Ohio have been trouble free, I guess I can agree on that. Hmmm, you better tell that to the domestics cause they keep sending their production outside the US. Domestic Cars from Mexico aren't the most reliable...


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