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Best turbo charged engine for a CRX.

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This is a VERY tough answer and a large debate on this, mostly depends on what you are looking for, I would say out of the engines to choose from the B18C1, LSVTEC (B18B w/B16 head) H22a, D16y8 are great choices. some would say a B16a but I absolutly hate them

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you cant compare a K20 to a B16.


B16 - straight swap, cheap.


K20 - crazy modification, expensive.



built b16 turbo = just k20 swapped in.


b16 turbo>straight in k20.



then again, i much rather have a k20 than a b16 b/c its rare. but when you look at it money wise, b16 pwns.

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Best stock engine for boost would have to be a D16Z6. Nice low compression and strong everything.


lmao..something's missing though..you know..


..one of those camshaft things? the second one, at least.

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Dude you don't need two cams to be fast. There are NA Ds out there runnin 11s. So don't hate. And SSR, why am I so wrong to you. There are more people than you on here who know a thing or two about motors.

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Nothing is wrong with. Just the B16 can make more power stock.


CTR head is the same as the ITR head. I like the C1 head over the B16 head for street and track setups. B16 for drag.

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Oh there's no hatred intended, however..I've seen MORE stronger b/h/k motors than I have d series motors. That's just ME though. No opinion being stated.

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u've seen higher horsepower dual cam engines than single. they can make a lot more power but singles shouldnt be underestimated if done right.


Obviously, but that's any motor/car combination with the right amount of money and know-how.

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