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how long you been reppin


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hey, i may be a whore, but i provide valuable insight if not at least some comic relief. :D


And that's why I love ya :wub:


After all, whore's is where its at. You should see me on that "other" honda site I frequent. I got a little over 1000 posts, and I've only been a member for 3 months :D

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ive been here since march this year. but trolled the forum as guest for a while, i was kinda scared at first cause im a girl with two sick ass cars but didnt get crap like i thought i would. i think people didnt know i was a chick until i canged my member name from 2000dc2ITR to ITRgirl.

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Umm, Dec 14th, 2001?


I had another site about Honda's up under another domain but didn't have any forums setup on it. I wanted a place for people to post pictures and give people a profile. I had people emailing me Pics and I was manually adding them to the website. I still have all the pics on my computer at home. I wonder if I have the site still. I'll have to look.


I quickly learned that there was no way for me to keep up with manually adding peoples images to their profile so I started to look for some type of portal software I could install. That's when I started to discover forum software and did a ton of research on it. The forum software I eventually chose was an early release of http://www.ikonboard.com/. That is what I first started HF on. The site wasn't called HondaForums.com yet. I believe I bought the HF domain on 2/11/02. The original free domain was http://hondaacura.go.cc and I think that's what I called the site as well.


One of the lead developers of IkonBoard got fed up with the company and left and started his own Forum Software company. Within a couple months he had released his first version of forum software under the name Invision Board. He even created an easy conversion tool to switch from IkonBoard to InvisionBoard. I was following all of this and was waiting for the day he released the software and switched immediately and also moved my hosting over to them. Much better software than IkonBoard. Written in PHP rather than Perl.


The original site had a red/black/grey theme to it as can be seen in this archive link.


I think there were 2 variations of those colors. I had to redo the colors when switching Forum software. I have a screen shot at home also of the red/black/grey colors. I think it looks different than what's on the above link. I should also have the original HF logo that matches those colors.

Later on after another upgrade forced me to redo the design, I just left the default blue colors.


The rest is History...

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Haha did your old user name used to be Deadly Drew ?

Yes, and i still use it on occasion. Although I primarily stay away from it now.

I came up with that name back in the mid 90's when I started playing the original Quake online (capture the flag, etc...) and realized I needed a good online name because I didn't want to use my real name. and since I was playing Quake, the "Deadly" part just fit. I used it for email addresses and all kinds of stuff for a long time but as I got older and needed to use it for more professional stuff, it just didn't sound all that sweet. Like using the name DeadlyDrew as my email address for when contacting a business contact, etc... I had shortened to DDrew for a long time too so nobody really knew what the first "D" stood for. such as my AIM name. I still use the DDrew a lot or now I use Drew42 a lot. The 42 was my lucky number back in 2000 as a whole bunch of stuff happened in my life at that time and that number kept popping up. And apparently later I found out that it's The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything.

haha, so now you all know a little bit more about me.

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