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Would you guys know....


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If there are any 6 inch PORTABLE dvd players where you put the disk in the same place where the screen is?


I mean that it doesnt fold open but the disc player is on the same part as the screen like a tablet?


I have seen them before but I don't remember what brand. Look on circuit city and best buy websites and see what they have. SolLesHonda might know off hand since he works at Circuit City.


Yeah, I do. And I work in TV's where we keep those little portable DVD players. We don't have any, but Radioshack should. Best buy doesn't either, at least here in VB. I would check online and get one from there. We have a Polaroid one that may as well be what you are talking about though. It is a flip up one, but the screen can swivel 180 degrees, making it sit in itself I guess you could say. It is then flat. I would buy that one. It is about 120 dollars. It is also a 7 inch.



Model number off the top of my head : Polaroid PDM0723.


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