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ahhhhh my car


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my axles are shot, my tranny gears grinds.. my hub is shot, my powersteering is shot, my ac dont blow anymore, my hood latch is broken, my power window motor is shot, both of them my trunk pop and keyhole is shot. my front tires are leaking air, i have bad brakes.. my radio blew a fuse.i got 2 bench warrents coming up total around $850. i raced a my girlfriend's friend 06 scion tc auto,smoked him by a car.. and then all this happened....


engine is fine runs like a beast.. oh yeah my start died on me :(


ehh well i do have over a quarter million miles on it... i just changed the starter, other then that im gonna replace the gears in tranny too and then get some axles next week..



EDIT: added er in "starter"


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